Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Here is the lastest newsletter.
Nice times at Canby while dealing with the construction parking. One show left at Canby in April, so one more chance this points year to get in your times.
We had one of those weekends with two very small shows that let people rack up points and some run some really nice times. Thanks to all that came and we hope you had fun.
We welcomed the Washington Interstate Princesses and numerous other Washington riders who all joined WHO and will be able to use their times for qualifying and year end awards at both states. We had a lot of great arena help and had some pretty impressive times run.
Highlights from Canby Jan 25 & 26
SOGO, an affiliated WHO club has playday dates of Jan. 11, Feb 1, March 22, and April 12. $5 a class with barrels, poles, individual flags, figure 8, 2 person birangle and a mystery event that changes each show. These shows are eligible to use the playday form from this site to have times recorded.
Some changes at Clackamas County Fairgrounds for 2025