How do I get signed up
You can sign up at any show office. To pre-enter as a non member you can send your information to the show secretary. Non members can not pre-enter on the website.
Tasha Ballstaedt
- Address:
- Phone:
- Email:
Jake Hart
- Address:
- Phone:
- Email:
Sara Hart
- Address:
- Phone:
- Email:
Leslie Davis
- Address:
- Phone:
- Email:
Suzie Kennell
- Address:
- Phone:
- Email:
Marilyn Norris
- Address:
- Phone:
- Email:
Tiffany Meuret
- Address:
- Phone:
- Email:
Candy Spahn
- Address:
- Phone:
- Email:
Kattie Ackley
- Address:
- Phone:
- Email:
David Trachsel
- Address:
- Phone:
- Email:
Tully Ferrando
- Address:
- Phone:
- Email:
Jade Ballstaedt
- Address:
- Phone:
- Email:
You may sign up for membership at any show office. To sign up as a non-member you can send your information to the show secretary. Non-members can not sign up on the website.
By invitation only, WHO's top 10 Juniors and Seniors go head to head against
PSHA’s top 10. This competition is held Labor Day Weekend. The
location varies each year, somewhere in WA or OR.
..To keep track you can write your times off the arena sheets or look on the website. Most importantly is to look at the arena sheet to make sure the time written is correct. It is the riders job to find any errors at the show before being sent to the Points Secretary.
Have no fear! Some frequently asked questions are answered here!
How do I join WHO?
Complete one of the membership forms found in the show office and pay the annual membership fee of $30 for an individual. You’ll receive a number for you
and your horse(s) via email. You’ll use these numbers when entering in the future. Our membership year runs August 1st to July 31st.
Which class should I enter?
Horses that have never competed at WHO or are not classified can be entered in any class. The fastest horses run in the “A” classes. Members with
unclassified horses typically start their horse in the “D” class in each event and work their way up. Anyone can enter open classes.
How do I move up to the next class?
A Class
When you have run 3 times that are faster than your current class rating, you will be notified by a point secretary of your classification. Once your horse is
classified, you will no longer be eligible to run in classes lower than your classification. You can be in different classes in each event.
B Class
Under 15.000
C Class
D Class
Pole Bending
Under 21.500
Over 16.509
Individual Flags
Under 8.250
Over 24.509
Under 7.250
Over 9.759
Figure 8
Under 10.700
Over 8.509
What side of the arena do I run on?
Over 12.009
Rules require you to run on the first available side when your name is called. If it is not safe to cross because someone is on course, please let the judge know
that you will cross as soon as it is safe. If both courses are available, the person called first gets to choose what course they want. Also important to note
here: ALWAYS stop your horse on the same side of the arena as your course. It’s a safe bet to turn your horse to the wall if you aren’t stopping straight.
Do I HAVE to stand in the arena for my whole class?
You are not required to be in the arena standing next to the wall for your class but please be close to the gate and have someone there to open it for you. We
try to run efficient shows and if we are always waiting for folks to get in the arena, it makes for a long day! Be aware, however, you have 30 seconds to get in
the arena and on course, or you could be disqualified.
Is there a dress code?
There is. The short of it is this: No ripped jeans or shirts, no shorts or cut off pants or tank tops permitted. Long pants are required. Western boots are
required in all events using a saddle. Please refer to the rulebook for the entire dress code.
Do I need to clean up after my horses?
YES!! PLEASE clean up after your horses. There are wheelbarrows provided at most of the locations we compete. If not, put it in your trailer and take it home.
How can I help out at the shows?
If you are able to help in the arena or office, please do so! It isn’t fair to make our judges, timers and tractor drivers set obstacles when they are already
doing so much. If you aren’t sure how to help, just show up to the arena and someone will tell you what needs to be done!
Where can I see my times for the day?
There are pink sheets in the office where the times for each event are recorded. It is the rider’s responsibility to check those sheets and make sure that
times, penalties, and horse/rider numbers are recorded correctly. Any discrepancies should be brought to the show secretary BEFORE you leave the show. If
the horse or rider number is not recorded, that time will not count for points or averages. ALWAYS take responsibility for the times you run and check the pink
sheets. We’re all human and sometimes mistakes are made.
Still have questions? Please reach out to our members! They are almost always in the arena
helping and more than willing to answer your questions!